received 2003.05.01 from Ewa Pawluczuk,
competition curator
The Jagiellonian University and the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow (ASP).
Students of the art and design academies of the European Union and candidate countries.
To gather original posters design in an A1 format (594 mm x 841 mm) propagating the defence of biodiversity, whose symbol is the Maculinea butterfly. Its existence depends not only on a host plant, but also on Myrmica ants, in whose nests the larvae of this butterfly parasitize.
The winning poster will be printed in six languages and displayed in countries taking part in research for this nature project as part of the MacMan program.
Around one million living organisms have been described as true species and thus they have received their own names. The real number of all plant, animal and microbial species inhabiting the Earth is probably several times higher than
the number of known species. Organisms belonging to the same species are not identical; their differences are caused by different genes, which determine their appearance, behaviour, etc. Although, the differences between organisms representing different species are much greater, these organisms can still coexist, creating various species communities, which are so distinct that we can distinguish forest, meadow, or tropical jungle easily. When we observe these communities, we immediately notice their biodiversity (that is how we term the richness of living forms together with their genetic variety)
     Unfortunately, many species that existed in the past can no longer be seen. Nowadays species disappear even more rapidly and it is estimated that 10 to 20 percent of their current number may become extinct within the next 20 to 50 years. The culprits in the process of species extinction are industry, agriculture and spreading urban areas, which together lead to the rapid shrinking of natural areas. Species that manage to persist in these deteriorating habitats are also affected as they lose their genetic diversity due to decreasing number.
It is indisputable that the biodiversity of our planet is diminishing and that, even worse, this process has been accelerating recently.
Only in the last two decades has biodiversity been seen as a feature that should be protected by mankind. Following the United Nations conference in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, over 150 countries signed the Convention on Biological Diversity. Naturalists pointed at the negative consequences of disappearing of species and communities. They noticed that the stronger the relationships between species within
a community, the easier that it is for communities to be destroyed. They also noted that many communities could be identified by the presence of characteristic species, called indicators.
     The MacMan project (Maculinea butterflies of the Habitats Directive and European Red List as indicators and tools for habitat conservation and Management; information about the project can be found at: is financed by the European Commission within its 5th Framework Programme.
The main objectives of the project are:
An important part of the project is an open contest for a design to be used on a poster and button badge promoting biodiversity as a value that requires protection by mankind. The organisers of the contest are the Jagiellonian University and the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków, Poland.
Competition entries must not have been earlier publicized and may not disturb other author's rights.
One author can submit max. 5 works.
Printouts in A3 format should be glued to a stiff board.
On the boards reverse, in the upper right-hand corner should be written a six-symbol
code (letters and numerals).
Each design should include:
The authors of awarded works will agree to the non-paid use of their design for promotional purposes of the MacMan program, in printed form and direct electronic media. The first-prize winner will be also obliged to work the possible minor changes suggested by the jury.
The design should take into account:
The necessity of the interchangeable application of any of the six language versions on the posters should be anticipated. All versions should be delivered in electronic form together with the original poster. There is no limit to the number of colors used, but metallic colors should not be used.
All rights and project security belong to the authors. The participant covers the cost of project delivery. Works will not be sent back. Sending in a work for the competition signifies acceptance of the regulations herein.
Information and competition materials (regulations, applications) are available at:
The first two sites have images of representative Maculinea, which participants may use for their designs.
The deadline for submitting work is 9 June 2003.
They can be submitted personally or mailed.
The contest evaluation will take place in June 2003.
Akademia Sztuk Pieknych w Krakowie
Wydzial Form Przemyslowych
ul. Smolensk 9, 31-108 Krakow, Poland
With the sub-note 'Maculinea'
Prof. Ryszard Otreba - graphic artist, Poland
Prof. Wladyslaw Pluta - graphic artist, Poland
Vladislav Rostoka - graphic artist, Slovakia
Dr Josef Settele - UFZ Leipzig-Halle - MacMan Project Coordinator, Germany
Prof. Michal Woyciechowski - Jagiellonian University, Poland
1st Prize - 5000 Polish zl (~ 1250 euro),
2nd Prize - 3000 zl (~ 750 euro),
3rd Prize - 2000 zl (~ 500 euro)
The jury reserves the right to distribute the 10,000 zl (~2500 euro) of prize money differently.
Ewa Pawluczuk, tel. +48 12 422 15 46 ext. 36, e-mail:
Jan Nuckowski, tel. +48 12 422 15 46 ext. 36, e-mail:
Visual Communications Department, WFP ASP, Krakow, ul. Smolensk 9,
as well as all academic centers taking part in the MacMan program,
whose addresses are to be found at:
more competitions
page created on May 11, 2003 / this section is part of Rene Wanner's Poster Page