Rene Wanner's Poster Page

POSTER COMPETITIONS - Call for entries

Virtual Biennale Prague, Czech Republic, 2014
International exhibition of black and white posters, theme: Information War

received from Jakub Konupka
Please see the official website for more information, see the works from previous years, or see the entries from this year as the come in.


Dear colleagues and appreciators of quality art and design,

The Association of Applied Graphics and Graphic Design of the Czech Republic (AUG) is proud to hold its seventh international art & design show

Virtual Biennale Prague 2014
Prague International Art & Design Exhibition

theme / The theme for this year is Information War. This theme can be interpreted from a wide spectrum of the meaning to a personal reflection of society’s general trend of development.

categories / Professional artists and designers, College students.

prizes / Grand Prix, Golden Medal (Professional category), Silver Medal (Professional category), Bronze Medal (Professional category), Golden Medal (Student category), Silver Medal (Student category), Bronze Medal (Student category).

technical requirements / PDF, A4 size, black & white, 300 dpi. We will accept maximum one work from one author. Please submit your projects from 15th October to 7th November 2014 by filling a form on Projects that will be added after 7th November 2014 will not be accepted. We will also not accept works sent by e-mail. Printing of entries will be provided by show organisers. To facilitate identification, all entries must bear on the bottom right-hand side the author’s full name and/or e-mail address, year and country of origin. Student works must also give the name of the school. Entries will be presented at and Organising Committee will provide a selection on exhibition:

organising committee / Karel Misek (CR, chairman of the committee), Jan Hora (CR),
Michal Kukacka (CR), Lenka Sykorova (CR) and Jiri Toman (CR).

international jury / Laze Tripkov (MK, chairman of jury), Jakub Konupka (CR),
Robert Parso (SK), Thierry Sarfis (FR) and Mieczyslaw Wasilewski (PL).

exhibition / The show will be held at the Altan Klamovka, Prague. Gallery curator is Lenka Sykorova. More on

opening / The opening will take place on 11th November, 2014 at 6:00 pm
at the Altan Klamovka Gallery. The exhibition will run until 7th December, 2014.


Vazeni kolegove, priznivci dobreho umeni a designu, Asociace uzite grafiky a grafickeho designu porada sedmy rocnik mezinarodni prehlidky vytvarneho umeni a designu

Virtualni bienale Praha 2014
mezinarodni prehlidka umeni a designu v Praze

tema / Tematem pro rok 2014 je Information War (Informacni valka). Toto tema je mozne pojmout v sirokem spektru vyznamu az po vlastni reflexi soucasneho spolecenskeho vyvoje.

kategorie / Profesionalni umelci a designeri, studenti vysokych skol.

oceneni / Grand Prix, zlata medaile (profesionalni kategorie), stribrna medaile (profesionalni kategorie), bronzova medaile (profesionalni kategorie), zlata medaile (studentska kategorie), stribrna medaile (studentska kategorie), bronzova medaile (studentska kategorie).

technicka data / PDF, format A4, cernobile, 300 dpi. Kazdy autor muze odevzdat maximalne jedno dilo. Prace zasilejte v terminu od 15. 10. do 7. 11. 2014 formou vyplneni formulare na strance Dila vlozena po 7. 11. 2014 nebudou do souteze zarazena, stejne tak nebudou akceptovany prace zaslane e-mailem. Organizatori zajisti tiskovou realizaci vystavy.Prace musi byt kvuli identifikaci oznaceny na prave strane jmenem autora nebo e-mailovou adresou, rokem a zemi vzniku, studentske prace i nazvem skoly.Prace budou umisteny na webovych strankach a organizacni vybor provede vyber na vystavu:

organizacni vybor / Karel Misek (CR, predseda vyboru), Jan Hora (CR), Michal Kukacka (CR), Lenka Sykorova (CR) a Jiri Toman (CR).

mezinarodni porota / Laze Tripkov (MK, predseda poroty), Jakub Konupka (CR), Robert Parso (SK), Thierry Sarfis (FR) a Mieczyslaw Wasilewski (PL).

vystava / Vystava bude prezentovana v Praze v galerii Altan Klamovka, jejiz kuratorkou je Lenka Sykorova. Vice na

vernisaz / Vernisaz probehne dne 22. 11. 2014 v 17.00, vystava potrva do 7. 12. 2014.

Version pdf (czech, english)

home   more competitions   page created on October 17, updated on October 20, 2014 / this section is part of Rene Wanner's Poster Page /