The Jan Koniarek Gallery in Trnava and Preparatory Committee of TPT 2015 would like to invite you to participate in the international poster competition
published/created from July 1, 2012 to February 28, 2015
[A] PROFESIONAL – individuals and teams
[B] STUDENT – fine arts academic students aged 18 and up
[1] ADVERTISING POSTER – designed for promotion and support of sales or services
[2] SOCIOCULTURAL POSTER – cultural, social or politically motivated poster
[3] FREESTYLE CATEGORY – personal or experimental poster
is free of charge via the ONLINE form by FEBRUARY 28, 2015!
The works proceeded to the 2nd round may be awarded one of the prizes and the posters will be reproduced in the catalogue.
For more information, please, visit:
Please find enclosed the competition statute and regulations of the competition:
TPT 2015 Statute
TPT 2015 Regulations