Rene Wanner's Poster Page

POSTER COMPETITIONS - Call for entries

3. International poster exhibition in Leipzig, Germany
Theme: Vision!

Received from Jochen Fiedler. Please see the official web site for more information.


How to enter:
Entries should reach us by 10 June 2016. They can
be sent via email
or WeTransfer to
Technical specifications: size DIN A4 (21 x 29.7 cm),
RGB, 300dpi, only JPG or PDF

As we only have limited financial means to produce our exhibition, we kindly request donations from poster artists and friends of the website A donation is not a prerequisite of exhibition participation. Any money raised will be used exclusively for the benefit of the society.

Best regards Jochen Fiedler, Grafikdesigner,
Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 122, 04105 Leipzig

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