Philippe Apeloig exhibition in Montpellier, France
April 30, 2005, received from Philippe Appeloig
Philippe Apeloig sent me a pdf of the poster for his current exhibition TYPO / TYPÉ at the
Carre Saint Anne in Montpellier (FR)
and you can see it in various magnifications below. As a
Magritte fan, I am well aware of the difference between a poster and a
picture of a poster, that's why I collect both. Sometimes the difference is small, and when you see a poster from across a
wide street, it may not look much different than when you see it on Poster Page.
But in the example below, as in an earlier version for an exhibition in Kiev, the difference between driving around in Montpellier and seeing the poster at arms length is enourmous, and Apeloig is really stretching the limits of the medium.
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