Rene Wanner's Poster Page

News: A headache
June 4, 2005

Two posters from the streets of Frenkendorf, Switzerland.

At left is a political poster scaring the voters with the dangers of losing security and jobs if the country would join the Schengen Visa agreements, which the opponents view as just a first step of joining the European Union, a true headache for them. The vote is tomorrow, and may in turn create a headache for the governement, if the majority says No to Schengen.

In any case, at right is a poster by the pharmaceutical company Pfizer advising people to see a doctor if they have persistent headaches.

Two posters from the streets of Augst, Switzerland.

The poster at left for the Theater in Basel invites you to buy a season ticket, invoking Hamlet's skull to tell you that this is a matter of "to be or not to be".

"To be or not to be" is exactly what the poster at right tells you, in remarkably similar visual language.

I admire the guys who paste these beauties for their sense of humour.

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