Sebastian Kubica exhibition in Warsaw
November 14, 2005, received from Katarzyna Matul
Exhibition poster by Sebastian Kubica |
Polish Poster Foundation, the Poster Museum at Wilanow and Ateneum Foundation
invite to the opening of the exhibition
Sebastian Kubica - posters, Tomasz Tobolewski - graphics 22.11.2006 at 19.00. "Ateneum Mlodych" Gallery, ul. Piwna 51/53, Warsaw, Poland. The exhibition will be open until 6.12.2006 The exhibition initiates the cycle presenting young talents of graphic design organized by the Polish Poster Foundation. We have the pleasure to show works of two young masters of graphic design - Sebastian Kubica (poster) and Tomasz Tobolewski (graphics). Both artists graduated from the graphic design department in Katowice of Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow. Now they are lecturers in the Art Institut of the Silesian University in Cieszyn. These two great individuals of young generation of graphic designers were awarded at the most prestigious competitions: Kubica among others: Bronze Medal at the Poster Triennale in Toyama (2003), Bronze Medal at the 19 International Poster Biennale in Warsaw (2004), Award at the Polish Poster Biennale, Katowice (2006); Tobolewski among others: Grand Prix in the competition "Work of the Year" organized by the Polish Artists Union (ZPAP) (2004), First Award at the International Drawing Biennale in Pilzno (2004). The exhibition in the gallery has its continuation in the streets of Warsaw. Thanks to the support of the Poster Gallery AMS we present anti-war billboards designed by Sebastian Kubica. They will be posted in Warsaw from November 16th until 30th. The Polish Poster Foundation works in favour of the Poster Museum at Wilanow, promotes Polish graphic designers, in particular young talents. The Foundation supports organization of exhibitions, not only in galleries but also in the public space, innovative graphic design projects, and actions bordering different arts. Katarzyna Matul
Organizers: Polish Poster Foundation, the Poster Museum at Wilanow, Ateneum Foundation