Rene Wanner's Poster Page

News: Deadline of Brno Biennial extended to March 31, 2006
March 10, 2006, received from Marta Sylvestrova, Brno Biennale Curator

The pre-selection committee for the 22nd Brno Biennale has evaluated the works submitted by 700 designers at the Moravian Gallery in Brno during its session on 1-2 March 2006. The pre-selection committee consisted of the following members: Petr Babak - chair, Petr Knobloch - vice-chair, Adam Machacek, Babeta Ondrova, Michal Richtr, Marek Pokorny, and the foreign member of the committee was Jacek Mrowczyk from Poland. The second foreign member Vladislav Rostoka from Slovakia, as well as the Brno Biennale Curator Marta Sylvestrova could not take part in the committee session due to their illness. The main criteria recognized by the committee for selection of the works were: the formal-aesthetic aspect, effectiveness, innovation, understandability and professional craftmanship in the work processing.

Taking into account the small number of selected entries for the competition of the 22nd International Biennale of Graphic design Brno 2006, as well as the possibility of getting into the competition further high quality works -- posters and corporate identity created by internationally renowned contemporary designers, Mr Marek Pokorny, the Brno Biennale Director has decided, on recommendation of the Organization Committee Board, to open another round of submissions. The decision has been induced by the will enlarge the already high quality collection, selected by the Brno Biennale pre-selection committee, and to increase the general prestige of the Brno Biennale.

The deadline for the second run of submissions for the 22nd Brno Biennale is 31 March 2006.

The second round of the pre-selection committee will take place on 3-7 April 2006.

Please see the original call for entries for more details about the competition.

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