Rene Wanner's Poster Page

News: Helmut Schmid exhibition at GGG Gallery in Tokyo
April 21, 2007, received from GGG Gallery

Invitation card, Ginza Graphic Gallery, Tokyo
helmut schmid : design is attitude

the 251st ginza graphic gallery exhibition from may 8 to may 30, 2007

an exhibition by departement of design, university of applied sciences
duesseldorf, germany

it is not the coincidence
that makes a designer
but his continuity.
and continuity means
working and searching,
working and fighting,
working and finding,
finding and seeing,
seeing and communicating,
and again working and

designers must challenge
the past, the present,
must challenge the future;
but first of all,
designers must be true
to themselves.

design is attitude.

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