Rene Wanner's Poster Page

News: Hans Hillmann exhibition in Ostrow Wielkopolski, Poland
June 16, 2007 received from Zdzislaw Schubert

Exhibition poster by Grzegorz Marszalek, 2007
Hans Hillmann
grafika wydawnicza

Ostrowskie Centrum Kultury
ul. Wolnosci 2, 63-400 Ostrow Wielkopolski, Poland

June 15 - July 3, 2007

The exhibition is part of the series "Other realms, other formats" with posters from the collection of the National Museum in Poznan. It will next travel to Cieszyn (2006.07.07 - 2007.08.05) and Wroclaw (2008.03.14 - 2008.04.06).

Please see the link list for more information about Hans Hillmann.

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