Rene Wanner's Poster Page

News: Luba Lukova exhibition in Ljubljana, Slovenia
July 25, 2007, from Luba Lukova

Lukova's work in Ljubljana, Slovenia

Gallery Avla in Ljubljana, Slovenia in collaboration with the Arts Magazine Emzin presents an exhibition of posters and prints by Luba Lukova. 40 of her vibrant colorful images are displayed in the spacious gallery associated with the largest Slovenian bank NLB. The national television and press featured the show, which continues until September 14, 2007.

Luba Lukova: Posters and Prints Galerija Avla NLB
Trg republike 2
1520 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Until September 14, 2007

Luba Lukova, Plakati in odtisi, razstava ilustracij

See for more information on Luba Lukova

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