Rene Wanner's Poster Page

News: Poster for a second hand book market by Demian Conrad
October 19, 2009, received from Demian Conrad

Demian Conrad, a former student of Bruno Monguzzi and now a graphic designer in Lausanne, Switzerland, sent me a recent poster "Dieci anni di libri" (Ten years of books) that he did for the 10th anniversary of the second hand book market Mercalibro in Bellinzona, a small town in southern Switzerland.

Read more about the poster, his client, and his studio on his web site.

I like this work because it is simple in idea, color an composition, direct and visually close to the topic, outstanding from the crowd of other street posters with which it has to compete, elegant, readable and informative, a real poster helping to sell a real product. I'm almost sure the client could not afford to spend a fortune on the design, yet got a first class poster.

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