A poster for Haiti
received from Jose Luis Hernandez Diaz "Chepe"
Poster by Chepe |
Jose Luis Hernandez Diaz "Chepe", a young graphic designer living in Puebla, Mexico, sent me the beautiful poster at left for the earthquake victims in Haiti.
I expected that I would see many more soon, as for example after the Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, the terror attacks in London or Madrid or the 9/11 terror attacks in 2001, but none arrived. Puzzled, I searched Twitter, then Facebook, and finally Google, and found some more, not many, among them a poster by John Maeda pointing out that the 1989 earthquake in San Francisco had cost only 63 lives although it had magnitude 7.1 while the Haiti quake cost 200'000 lives inspite of being weaker with magnitude 7.0, doubtless because of superior construction techniques in the US. Strange. Has the poster category "disaster poster" lost it's interest, after booming for ten years?
As it turned out, I was too pessimistic: Within a day after writing the news above, I received several designs about Haiti:
Poster by Yossi Lemel |
Poster by Dimitris Arvanitis |
Poster by Arturo Colombres |
Poster by Marlena Buczek |
Poster by Marlena Buczek |
Poster by Marlena Buczek |
Poster by Benyamin Mohammadi |
Poster by Samuel Verdugo |
Poster by Samuel Verdugo |
Photo by Frederic Sautereau, included at the suggestion of Alex Jordan "cher rené, je pense que tu devrais exceptionellement mettre sur le site ces images du photographe fréderic sautereau. que faire comme poster? ce qu'il faut c'est surtout trouver les moyens d'une aide efficace... et qui arrive à bon port. amitiés alex" |
Poster by Arturo Botello Alvarez |
Poster by Juan Cardon |
Poster by Elmer Sosa |
Poster by Babak Eskandari |
Poster by Babak Eskandari |
Poster by Babak Eskandari |
Poster by Babak Eskandari |
Poster by Babak Eskandari |
Poster by Babak Eskandari |
Poster by Reza Abbasi |