Rene Wanner's Poster Page

News: Jan Mlodozeniec exhibition in Warsaw
received from Piotr Dabrowski

Exhibition poster
Jan Mlodozeniec 77 Plakatow

Galeria Test
Marszalkowska 34/50
00-554 Warszawa

We cordially invite you to the opening on Thursday, April 14 at 18:00

Exhibition from April 15 to May 6, 2011

Wystawie towarzyszy 90 stronicowy katalog zawierajacy wszystkie prezentowane na wystawie plakaty.
The exhibition is described in a 90 page catalogue containing the images of all the posters to be shown.

autorzy tekstow / the texts have been written by:
Jan Bokiewicz, Piotr Dabrowski, Emilia Freudenreich, Wojtek Freudenreich, Andrzej Heidrich, Anna Mieczynska, Nina Rozwadowska, Marek Nowakowski, Filip Pagowski, Zdzislaw Schubert, Wladyslaw Serwatowski, Mieczyslaw Wasilewski, Jozef Wilkon, Maciek Wojak.

Wersja internetowa wystawy, bedzie prezentowana na mojej stronie od 18.04.2011.
For the on-line version of the exhibition please see my website from 18th of April 2011.

Piotr Dabrowski
The Art of Poster

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