Rene Wanner's Poster Page

News: Exhibition of Piotr Mlodozeniec's class in Warsaw
received from Jan Bajtlik

Exhibition poster by Piotr Mlodozeniec

Wystawa Pracowni Plakatu Ulicznego ASP Warszawa
GALLERY FUNKY, Plac Zbawiciela 2, Warszawa

Zapraszamy na pokaz prac studentow warszawskiej ASP uczeszczajacych na zajecia prowadzone przez PIOTRKA MLODOZENCA. Wystawa w miejscu ktore dopiero powstaje, Galeria; Kawiarnia; Teatr; Bar FUNKY - Pl. Zbawiciela 2. Wlasciciel miejsca EDWARD DARGIEWICZ udostepnia lokal przed remontem. Otwarcie z malym winem 19 kwietnia (wtorek) o 19. Potem do rozpoczecia remontu ogladanie wylacznie z poziomu ulicy 24/24

prace pokaza:
Jacek Ambrozewski, Jan Bajtlik, Paula Kaniewska, Piotr Karski, Kamil Kolbasiuk, Monika Krzesniak, Liko Paul, Agnes Olszewska, Monika Seyfried, Pauline Traczynska, Konrad Trzeszczkowski, Olek Znosko.

Bedzie fajnie, troche inaczej, zapraszamy

Street poster exhibition from the students at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
GALLERY FUNKY, Plac Zbawiciela 2, Warsaw, Poland
Opening April 19, 2011 19:00

Presentation of the works of students enrolled in the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts classes conducted by Piotr Mlodozeniec.
The exhibition in a place that is still under construction, gallery, café, theater, Bar Funky. The owner of Edward Dargiewicz provides local estate.
Opening with a little wine at 19 on the 19th. Then to start the repair of only watching from the street level 24/24.

work will show:
Jacek Ambrozewski, Jan Bajtlik, Paula Kaniewska, Piotr Karski, Kamil Kolbasiuk, Monika Krzesniak, Liko Paul, Agnes Olszewska, Monika Seyfried, Pauline Traczynska, Konrad Trzeszczkowski, Olek Znosko.

It'll be nice, a little different, welcome.
Piotr Dabrowski & Piotr Mlodozeniec

One of the assignements for the class was to design a poster to reduce dog shit in Warsaw and Jan Bajtlik, one of the students, sent me the following text and pictures about his design:

Poster by Jan Bajtlik

In Piotr Mlodozeniec poster class ( we had this topic: to do a poster against dog excrements. I made dozen of stencil copies and glue them on the streets (first I glue them with Piotr on the "gallery wall" of our class, then with my friend Konrad Tszeszczkowski). Sentence of my poster is very hard to translate in English. Ive got very big good feedback from public audience.

Here are links to the article about my action (links to the newspapers and websites)

After few days poster was officially published and distributed by poster collector Piotr Dabrowski (poster was printed in silkscreen and is presented on the street next to Piotr Mlodozeniec or Mieczyslaw Wasilewski). Second poster-stencil action was about "Spring of Nations" in arabic countries (it was also the topic at Piotr Mlodozeniec class). I glue this poster on the streets and cultural places getting good feedback and funny reactions of public. I realized the power of poster when it exist on a public space.

Jan Bajtlik

Piotr Mlodozeniec

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