Rene Wanner's Poster Page

News: Japan earthquake poster exhibition in Tel Aviv
received from Yossi Lemel

Exhibition poster by Yossi Lemel, model Noa Lemel
On the 7.7.2011 at 7.00 pm there will be the opening of the poster exhibition "Japan is here"
7 israeli poster designers with 7 reactions following the Tsunami in Japan.
This is together with the ceremonies ot the "Tanabata" which is a special ritual day in Japan.
The exhibition will take place in The mediatheque in Holon next to the Design Museum of the city.
Among the participants: Dan Reisinger, Aviram Meir, Arie Berliner, Amnon Illuz, Abby Junge and myself.
Curator of exhibition: Yossi Lemel
Assistent curator; Abby Junge
Exhibition poster: Design by Yossi Lemel with his daughter Noa
In colaboration with the Israel Japan Friendship Society.

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