Rene Wanner's Poster Page

News: Results of the competition "Create a safer internet", Poster Museum Wilanow
received from Tomasz Cirmirakis

Pawel Dadok, winner

Piotr Karski, 1. prize

Malgorzata Perkowska, 2. prize

Krzysztof Baginski, 3.prize

  Create a Safer Internet
Poster Museum at Wilanow, Warsaw
Competition exhibition
January 16 - February 5, 2012

From 16 January at the Poster Museum at Wilanow are to see the best works submitted the competition "We create a safer Internet"

Poster Museum at Wilanow invited from 16 January 2012 for an exhibition of works submitted to the national competition "We Safer Internet". The exhibition presents about 120 the most interesting projects, selected by the famous Polish artists. The contest will take place during the official end of the exhibition 31.01.2012 year at 18.00.

This is the 5th edition of the contest for the best poster dedicated to security. This time the theme of the work are the problems and risks associated with children's use and young people from the internet. Previous editions of the competition, organized by an advertising agency Adah, devoted to issues of road safety attracted wide interest of young artists. This contest is organized in cooperation with the Research Academic Computer Network - NASK.

This year the honorary patronage over the event took Mrs. Anna Komorowska - wife of the President. Venture partner and sponsor of awards is the Krajowy Depozyt Papierow Wartosciowych.

(google translate of the press release)

Aleksandra Kaptsevich

Anna Zukowska

Marzena Mikolowska

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