Rene Wanner's Poster Page

News: Flavia Cocchi exhibition now in Lausanne, Switzerland
received from Mudac, Lausanne

Flavia Cocchi

PL. Cathedrale 6
CH-1005 Lausanne

March 7, 2012 to June 10, 2012

After attending Geneva's School of Applied Arts in the mid-eighties and working in Werner Jeker's studio in Lausanne, the graphic designer Flavia Cocchi opened her own studio in 1997, upon completion of a stint with Massimo Vignelli at Benetton in Italy.

It is to Flavia Cocchi, commissioned by the mudac on a regular basis since its opening in 2000, that the museum owes its graphic identity. Cocchi designed the invitation cards and posters for over forty exhibitions, together with a good number of monographic or thematic catalogues. The exhibition presenting this designer - initiated by the Galerie Anatome in Paris in 2010 and now completed, updated and adjusted to our museum - features over fifty of Cocchi's creations for various clients, in a decor that she herself contrived and carried out.

View of Flavia Cocchi's exhibition at Galerie Anatome, Paris

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