Rene Wanner's Poster Page

News: 1% vs. 99%, political poster exhibition in Los Angeles, USA
received from the Center for the Study of Political Graphics

Poster from the exhibition by Craig Updegrove, 2011
Globalize THIS!
International Graphics of Resistance

March 17 – April 14, 2012

Thursday, March 29, 5:30-7:30 pm

Curator tours by Carol Wells and Otis students:
Saturdays, April 7 & 14, 1 pm

Ben Maltz Gallery,
Otis College of Art and Design
9045 Lincoln Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90045, USA

Tue-Sat. 10 am-5pm; Th 10 am-7pm
Closed Sun, Mon, major holidays

Free Admission and Parking

Globalization affects every aspect of life on this planet, including climate change, outsourced jobs, pollution, and wars. As ecological crises escalate, resources diminish, and distribution of wealth is increasingly skewed towards the richest 1%, activists and artists throughout the world are speaking with a clarity and coherence exceeding that of most politicians. Their graphic messages are loud and clear: value people over profits, free speech over free trade, and justice over inequality.

Produced from the archives of the Center for the Study of Political Graphics, in partnership with Otis College of Art and Design, Integrated Learning seminar "Designing the Political" led by Guy Bennett and Kerri Steinberg.

Artists represented in Globalize THIS!:
La Asamblea de Artistas Revolucionarios de Oaxaca (ASAR­O), Jon­Paul Bail, Jesus Barraza, Carolina Botero, Breakdown Press, Mona Caron, Jean Carlu, Robbie Conal, Corita Kent, Walter Crane, Design Action Collective, Lex Drewinski, EMEK, Rafael Enriquez, Joanna Foucheux, Luis Genaro Garcia, Milton Glaser, Tyi Green, Diane Haft, Chanta Hardy, Lorenzo Hurtado, Icky A., Justice Design, Jason Justice, Jane Killips, Mike Konopacki, Cedomir Kostovic, Leon Kuhn, Eric Lindroth, Alejandro Lopez, Steven Lyons, Alejandro Magallanes, Mona Mark, Chaz Maviyane­Davies, F.J.E. Mettes, Doug Minkler, Malaquias Montoya, Ian Murphy, Sam Newbury, Open Circle, Sheila Pinkel, Poster­Film Collective, Leonid Prado, Lilia Ramirez, Artemio Rodriguez, Favianna Giannoni Rodriguez, San Francisco Print Collective, U.G. Sato, Self­Help Graphics and Art, Bahador Shojapour, Chuck Sperry, Klaus Staeck, Street Art Workers (SAW), THINK AGAIN (S.A. Bachman + David John Attyah), Hideo Toyomasu, Keith Tucker, Gerhard Trost, Tumi's Design, Clara Tzara, Craig Updegrove, Andre Vigneau, Camilla Wycoco.

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