Rene Wanner's Poster Page

News: Poster exhibition about racism at the Poster Museum Wilanow in Warsaw

Please see the official website or the Poster Festival Ljubljana 2011 for more information.

The Faces of Racism Revealed

Poster Museum Wilanow, Main Gallery
13.04 - 05.06.2012

The exhibition will present 250 posters that were presented at the Poster Festival Ljubljana 2011.

The festival was organized in September 2011 by Brumen Foundation in collaboration with Amnesty International Slovenia, and art schools: the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Ecole d'art Maryse Eloy Paris and the Academie Minerva Groningen Hanzehogeschool. The organization of the festival and the exhibition was made possible by a grant from the European Commission under the program "Fundamental Rights and Citizenship".

The subject matter relates to the institutional racism and his face.

Its purpose is to stimulate awareness of such content provided by state institutions, in which intolerance towards racial diversity is not expressed clearly, but operates in secret.

The creators of different cultures address the their work to a wide audience. Through the poster, who is also one of the media of mass communication, raise issues of racism, promoting tolerance and mutual understanding.

Review of approximately 250 works of students and professional designers is an attempt to show a picture of racism and ways of its manifestation in general public discourse.

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