Rene Wanner's Poster Page

News: Andrzej Pagowski poster exhibition in Warsaw
received from Galeria Grafiki i Plakatu, Warsaw

Exhibition poster by Andrzej Pagowski
Galeria Grafiki i Plakatu invites you to the exhibition

Andrzej Pagowski, posters and graphics, 35 years of creative work

Galeria Grafiki i Plakatu
Nina Rozwadowska & Andrzej Stroka
ul. Hoza 40
00-516 Warsaw, Poland

April 21 to May 9, 2012

Andrzej Pagowski
Born in 1953. Studied at the High Art School in Poznan, in Waldemar Swierzy's workshop. He has an advertising agency. His most famous poster is for Fredro’s drama called "A husband and a wife". He designs posters for culture events, CD’s and book covers, illustrations.

Some of the posters from the invitation card:

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