Rene Wanner's Poster Page

News: Uwe Loesch receives the Jan Lenica Award
received from Irena Przymus and Uwe Loesch

Poster by Uwe Loesch for the current exhibition "Coal.Global" at the Ruhr Museum in Essen (DE)
  Below is the official information on the selection of the Laureate of 5th edition of the the Jan Lenica Award, 2013:

The Jury, including the Director of the National Museum in Poznan (PL) and the employees of the Gallery of Poster and Design, has conferred the Jan Lenica Award, consisting in a solo exhibition of the Laureate’s works on the premises of the National Museum in Poznan, on Uwe Loesch from Germany. Uwe Loesh has been distinguished for giving the art of the poster the formula of a distinct visual message that combines transparency and understated graphic solutions with author’s independent expression of ideas.

best regards

Irena Przymus
Poster and Design Gallery

The award is given for lifetime achievment, not for a particular poster, but Uwe Loesch has kindly agreed to share his latest works on Posterpage. For the poster series below he explains

Fuer die etwas kryptische Headline verwendete ich die Notenschrift "Sonata", die ueber alle sechs Plakate laeuft. Sie wird uebrigens auf jedem Plakat in grau wiederholt und in einer kleinen Unterzeile entschluesselt. Die Reihenfolge der Zeichen ist jedoch nicht beliebig, sondern sie entsteht automatisch bei der Eingabe des Textes "60 Jahre Klingspor Museum Offenbach am Main" auf einer (deutschen) Tastatur.

Series of posters by Uwe Loesch for the 60. Anniversary of the Klingspor Museum in Offenbach am Main (DE)

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