Rene Wanner's Poster Page

News: Thesis about swiss graphic designer Emil Ruder by Juan Arrausi
received from Juan J. Arrausi Valdezate

Poster by Emil Ruder
Emil Ruder (1914 - 1951) was a graphic designer, typographer and teacher in Basel, Switzerland. His teaching and work, together with that of his colleague Armin Hofmann, had a profound influence on the development of graphic design in Switzerland, and stands at the roots of the high reputation that swiss graphic design enjoys internationally until the present day.

On the occasion of a poster exhibition in Basel to celebrate Ruder's 100th birthday, I met spanish graphic designer Juan Arrausi, who had written a doctoral thesis, in spanish, about Ruder and kindly sent me the abstract below. The library of the Schule fuer Gestaltung in Basel has a full copy of the thesis.

Proyecto de tesis doctoral:
La tipografía suiza del orden: Emil Ruder maestro y tipógrafo.

Juan Jesús Arrausi Valdezate

Proyecto presentado para el cambio de título de Tesis Doctoral
Barcelona marzo 2005

Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Belles Arts, Departamento Disseny i Imatge, Programa Les Revolucions Tipogràfiques, 1997-1999

Download the abstract (pdf, 60 kB)

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