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News: Kickstarter for a Vladislav Sutnar book reprint

Ladislav Sutnar (1897 - 1976) was a czech graphic design pioneer who emigrated to the USA in 1939 and became famous for adding parentheses around area codes in american telephone books to make them more legible (among many other achievements). In 1961, he published a self-funded book Visual Design in Action which became a design book classic, similar to Jan Tschichold's "Die neue Typographie" or Mueller-Brockmann's "The Graphic Artist and his Design Problems", published in the same year.

The book has long been out of print. A crowdfunding campaign has now been launched on Kickstarter to get the necessary money (US$ 79'000) to print a facsimile edition, edited by Steven Heller, Reto Caduff and Lars Mueller. It runs another 7 days but is already heavily oversubscribed, currently about 135'000 US$ are pledged. You can still get a reproduction of the 1961 poster to promote the book for pledging 30 US$.

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