WEB POSTER EXHIBITION - La Belle Epoque in De Affiche Galerij in The Hague

This web exhibition accompanies the current exhibition La Belle Epoque in De Affiche Galerij in Den Haag, posters from The Hague Municipal Archives, at the De Affiche Galerij in Den Haag (NL), from Jan 7 - March 3, 2005.

The following text and the pictures were kindly provided by Wendy Louw, curator of the exhibition.

c. 1896, Will Carqueville, Lipincott's November

1899 Albert Klingner, Illustriertes Konversationslexikon d Frau

1906, A. Ghyka, Expozitiunea Generala Romana Bucuresti

In 2003 the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in The Hague, The Netherlands, has given its collection of posters to two dutch institutions for safekeeping.

All dutch posters from the collection are now at the ReclameArsenaal. This virtual museum has over 13.000 dutch commercial expressions, like advertisements on posters and billboards, tv- and radio commercials etc.etc. on line via her website www.reclamearsenaal.nl

All foreign posters are now at the The Hague Municipal Archives. This part of the collection consists of 822 posters, mostly from different European countries, but there are some American posters as well. The subjects are diverse; from advertisements for, for instance, toothpaste or cigarettes to anouncements for theaterplays, exhibitions or magazines. Of course there is also a number of movie posters in the collection.

In coming years the The Hague Municipal Archives intend to show posters from this collection in De Affiche Galerij regularly.

For the first exhibition we have chosen 60 posters from the so-called 'Belle Epoque' (app. 1880 - 1914) from the collection. Different aspects and different styles are mixed together in a stylized attempt to create an idea of how a street might have looked in this poster-crazy era.

A special place in the exhibition is created for the french artist Jules Chéret (1836 - 1932), being responsible for the simplification of the lithographic proces thus allowing artists to achieve every colour of the rainbow with as little as three stones. Five posters by his hand, dating from before 1880 to 1896 are exhibited in the middle glass case, a small tribute to the man who started "the art gallery of the street".

All posters can be viewed on the website of The Hague Municipal Archives: www.gemeentearchief.denhaag.nl.
Type buitenlandse affiches in the space below the word Archimedes and press zoek.

Not all designers and dates are known to us, if you have any information, please contact Wendy Louw via email, w.louw@hga.denhaag.nl

c. 1910, Fernand Fau, Tabarin

1911, Paul Neu, Ausstellung Die Elektrizitaet Muenchen

?, Anon, State Express Cigarettes

c. 1895, Jules Cheret, Ambassadeurs
?, Anon, Wardar Cigarettes

home  previous exhibitions  page created on January 31, 2005 / this section is part of Rene Wanner's Poster Page /