WEB POSTER EXHIBITION - Ashurah posters from Ali Vazirian in Tehran

Ashurah is a high religious holiday celebrated throughout the islamic world, particularly among Shi'a Muslims. According to legend, and Wikipedia, it is also the day that Noah's ark came to rest, and Abraham was born, and thus a memorable occasion for Muslims, Jews and Christians alike. This year, it falls on February 9. The following text and pictures were kindly provided by Ali Vazirian, a graphic designers in Tehran, who also designed the posters for this event:

  Ashura is a religious mourning ceremony in which the Shiite Muslims commemorate martyrdom of Husayn bin Ali, the grandson of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the third Imam of the Shi'as. To be honest with you I can not describe the big philosophy which is behind of this great day.

The Day of Aashurah, sometimes spelled 'Ashurah or Aashoorah, falls on the 10th day of Muharram in the Islamic calendar. He and His all family and followers were killed cruelly at the Battle of Karbala in the year 61 AH (AD 680). The word aashurah means simply ten in Arabic; hence the ceremony's name, literally translated, means "the tenth".

These posters are designed upon a holy text with meaningful sentences which pilgrims whisper during the pilgrimage of Hussein's Shrine. Depending on each sentence and each meaning, the composition, rhythm, structure and aesthetics of posters differ.

There are 30 posters in all, that will be exhibited on January 31 and there are also going to be published as a single book.

During the ceremony in Muharam, many of these posters go to the billboards of many cities. And a selection of them go to publish in 50x70cm format and distribute in different places.

People honor Ashura and respect all the things relate to it, so they keep these posters in their homes and their workplaces.

Recently, Hozeh-Honari ( department of art) has printed 5000 copies of the first one of this kind.

There are also some good photos of this ceremony which were shot by one of my friends, last year.


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