WEB POSTER EXHIBITION - The Hungarian Uprising 1956

Jozsef Arendas
Dear Rene,

let me inform you about a poster show to the memory of the 1956 Revolution in Hungary. The 50th anniversary will be on 23th of October. 40 Hungarian and Polish designers made posters for the event.

The exhibition will open tomorrow, October 17, 2006, 6 PM in the gallery of the Polish Institute in Budapest, u. Nagumetzo 15. The exhibition will close on 5th of November, 2006. Opening speech by Katalin Janosi (grand child of Imre Nagy the killed prime minister). The exhibition will travel to Poland and hopefully to other places. I will send more information about them.

Thank you for your kind attention,

Best wishes,

Istvan Orosz

David Barath

Justyna Czerniakowska

Krzysztof Ducki

Tomek Ducki

Istvan Balogh

Istavn Banyai

Aron Barath

Andras Felvideki

Eugeniusz Get-Stankiewicz

Mieczyslaw Gorowski

Michal Jandura

Ferenc Barath

Ewa Engler

Ryszard Kajzer

Roman Kalarus

Gyorgy Kemeny

Dora Keresztes

Piotr Kunce

Ola Kot

Sebastian Kubica

Istvan Orosz

Laszlo Lelkes

Lech Majewski

Sandor Pinczehely

Wladyslaw Pluta

Peter Pocs

Wieslaw Rosocha

Vladislav Rostoka

Roman Sarkozi

Lukasz Rayski

Karoli Schmal

Istvan Szugyiczky

Jan Sawka

Waldemar Swierzy

Mieczyslaw Wasilewski

Agnieszka Winciorek

Tamas Toth

Gabor Farkas Varga

Maciej Wosniak

Portraitsof the poster designers
Jozsef Arendas, Istvan Balogh, Istvan Banyai, Aron Barath, David Barath, Ferenc Barath, Justyna Czerniakowska, Krzysztof Ducki
Tomek Ducki, Ewa Engler, Andras Felvideki, Eugeniusz Get-Stankiewicz, Mieczyslaw Gorowski, Michal Jandura, Ryszard Kajzer, Roman Kalarus
Gyorgy Kemeny, Dora Keresztes, Ola Kot, Sebastian Kubica, Piotr Kunce, Laszlo Lelkes, Lech Majewski, Istvan Orosz
Sandor Pinczehely, Wladyslaw Pluta, Peter Pocs, Lukasz Rayski, Wieslaw Rosocha, Vladislav Rostoka, Roman Sarkozi, Jan Sawka
Karoli Schmal, Waldemar Swierzy, Istvan Szugyiczky, Tamas Toth, Gabor Farkas Varga, Mieczyslaw Wasilewski, Agnieszka Winciorek, Maciej Wozniak

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