Paris and it's suburbs counts several thousand people without a home. |
The charitable association Emmaus and the Institut de sondage BVA have now collected for the first time their opinions and expectations about emergency accomodation and resettlement. | The french graphic design group Nous travaillons ensemble have made a series of posters about their replies, | for which they received the 2006 prize of the competition Ideas that matter, sponsored by the global paper company Sappi. |
Beyond cliches |
State handouts? 93% of the homeless are willing to contribute to get a home. |
Smooth talkers? 60% of the homeless say that the social workers do more for them than their families or friends. |
Lazy? 1 out of 3 homeless persons works, and 1 out of 2 tries to get out of this situation. |
Burden? 55% of the homeless think that the wellfare centers have to be downtown. |
Finance? 65% of the homeless think that the governement has to pay for emergency accomodation. |
Housed? 70% of the homeless would like to have a home, and 82% think they find one in the next five years. |
Migrants? 85% of the homeless want to live somewhere. |
Sated? Almost 1 out of 2 homeless persons has spent at least a day without eating. |