WEB POSTER EXHIBITION - David Tartakover - 40 years of occupation

40 years of occupation, 2007
The 5th of June, 2007, marks 40 years of Israeli occupation over the West Bank and the palestinian territories. For this occasion I've printed a new series of posters, these are personal posters that I've designed and produced over the last 25 years and I've over print them the XL (40) I'm attaching this new series which is going to be shown in Tel Aviv on the 5th of June, 2007.

David Tartakover

Who will utter the mighty acts of Israel, 1982

Mother, 1988

Donkey, 1989

Pain, 1989

30 Years of Occupation, 1997

We’ll Never Forget and We’ll Never Forgive, 1997
Personal statement, two years to the murder of Y. Rabin

Childhood is not child’s play!, 1998

Tet, Selfportrait produced by a police computer program, 1999

Arc de Triumphe, 2002

Self Portrait with Stain, 2003

Freehand Design, 2004

"...We love you our homeland ...", 1987-2005

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