WEB POSTER EXHIBITION - Opening of Phoenix Creative Park in Hangzhou (CN)

When Jianping He invited me to come to the opening of the 4 x Troxler and the Melk Imboden exhibition as part of a design festival in Hangzhou, China, I had no idea what was expecting me, and I naively assumed that the "Phoenix Gallery" was a room just outside the new Xianshang Campus of the Chinese Academy of Art.

I should have woken up when Jianping asked me to prepare a short speech for the opening ceremony, that I was to give alongside the President of the Academy, the Mayor of Hangzhou, and the Governor of Zhejiang. While I was flattered by the honor, I still suspected nothing, and I even ignored the giant poster on a building (right) when our bus drove us to the exhibition opening.

Billboard for Phoenix Creative Park

When we finally arrived at Phoenix Creativ Park, I could not believe my eyes:

While Jianping welcomed us, I realized that all the buildings of a huge abandoned cement factory had been converted to exhibition space, artist studios and lofts.

The Phoenix Creative Park in the Zhejiang Cultural Creativity Industry Zone is just one of ten major centers around Hangzhou that are planned in an ambitious program to make Hangzhou "a center of cultural creativity industry in China". The governement intends to build on the synergies between Hangzhou's booming tourist industry, and the potential of the famous China Academy of Art and other art schools with a current yearly enrolment of 60'000 students.

The program begins with the visionary statement ".. the cultural creativity has become the symbol and emblem of the knowledge economy, and become a major engine and driving force for the promotion of economic and social development."

Jianping He is now the Art Director of Phoenix Creative Park, and as such will play a major role in this exciting phase of chinese history.

Jianping He welcoming visitors to the Phoenix International Design Festival

There were many signs that the opening of Phoenix Creative Park was no ordinary event:

The end of a ceremony is traditionally marked by some kind of firework,

here a cloud of confetti delivered with golden canons, accompanied by a string quartet.

Photo Lin Chun Liang
To my right are the artists Imboden, Troxler, Moosbrugger, Justice and He, at my left high governement officials. I was kept on a short leash by my interpreter Tianying, who was worried that I might miss my speach, or the TV interviews, so ironically, I had only little free time for some of the poster exhibitions:

Melk Imboden, Hiroshi Tsunoda and Eva Moosbrugger

Melk Imboden showed the photo portraits of graphic designers that he had published in a book last year and exhibited in Lucerne, Switzerland

together with the posters by the corresponding designers. Eva Moosbrugger's glass onjects and Hiroshi Tsunoda's product designs, lamps and logos, are in the vitrines.

Posters by Niklaus, Annik und Paula Troxler, and fashion design by Kathrin Troxler

Niklaus Troxler's exhibition poster, a repeating poster

Jianping He introducing Niklaus, Kathrin, Paula and Annik Troxler

Paula and Annik Troxler

Paula Troxler

Kathrin Troxler

New Generation - 11 chinese designers

Type design by Studio More from Shanghai

Fashion design by Wang Ying

Posters by Li Jiong and Long Gang

Niklaus Troxler casts a critical eye

My wife Anne who took many of the pictures on this page

Some of the people I met during the Phoenix Design Festival

Aweng, art director, Hangzhou

Bi Xuefeng, graphic designer, Shenzhen

Candice, editor, Intouch Zhejiang Hangzhou Weekly

Bob Chen, graphic designer, Hangzhou

Chen Zhengda, graphic designer CAA, Hangzhou

Dai Shu man, graphic designer, Hangzhou

Dong Jian Hua, graphic designer, CAA, Hangzhou

Jon Fong, graphic designer, Hangzhou

Joseph Foo, graphic designer, Malaysia

Gu Jiayan, graphic designer, More, Shanghai

Gu Xiao, graphic designer, More, Shanghai

Han Bin, Phoenix Creative Park, Hangzhou

Han Tianying, interpreter, Hangzhou

Han Xu, graphic designer CAA, Hangzhou

He Jianping, graphic designer, Hesign, Berlin & Hangzhou

Veronica Ho, Dean of the One Academy, Malaysia

Huang Kuang-Nan, president National Taiwan University of Arts

Huang Yonggang, graphic designer, Shanghai, Hesign, picked us up at the airport

Melk Imboden, graphic designer and photographer, Switzerland

Jiang Zhenhua, graphic designer, More, Shanghai

Lorraine Justice, director of Design School, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Kan Tai-keung, graphic designer, Hong Kong

Sun Hee Kim, sculptor, Berlin

Jana Kloss, sinologist, Hesign, Hangzhou

Freeman Lau Siu Hong, graphic designer, Hong Kong

Tommy Li, graphic designer, Hong Kong

Leo Lin Chun Liang, graphic designer, Taipeh

Apex Lin Pan-Soong, graphic designer, Taipeh

Anita Lingg, manager of Eva Moosbrugger, Austria

Angelo Luedin, movie director, Switzerland

A maid of honor, Hangzhou

Manman, graphic designer, Hesign, Hangzhou

Eva Moosbrugger, glass designer, Austria

Pan Jian Yang, graphic designer, Shanghai

Pan Qin, graphic designer, Ningbo

Amanda Tam, manager of "Kubrick" bookshop, Hongkong

Kathrin Troxler, fashion designer, Switzerland

Annik Troxler, graphic designer, Switzerland

Paula Troxler, graphic designer, Switzerland

Niklaus Troxler, graphic designer, Switzerland

Yvonne Tsan, purchasing manager of "Kubrick", Hongkong

Hiroshi Tsunoda, product designer, Barcelona

Wang Huiru, graphic designer, Shanghai

Wang Ying, fashion designer, London

Annika Wolfzettel, graphic designer, Hesign, Hangzhou

Xu Jiang, president CAA, Hangzhou

Xu Jun, graphic designer, Hangzhou

Yu Jiadi, graphic designer CAA, Hangzhou

Yu Ming Lung, graphic designer, Taipeh

Zhang Liyan, graphic designer, More, Shanghai

Zhou Fong, graphic designer, CAA, Hangzhou

Barbara Zuercher, movie director, Switzerland

Abbreviations: CAA China Academy of Art, Hesign, More

home   previous exhibitions  page created on May 17, 2008 / this section is part of Rene Wanner's Poster Page /