WEB POSTER EXHIBITION - Posters from Taiwan on Global Warming

Text and pictures of this web exhibition were kindly provided by Sophia Shih, Past Secretary General and Managing Director of Taiwan Poster Design Association.

Please see also the works of the winners of the student poster competition PoStar with the same subject.

All the posters below (and some more from invited designers from other countries) are part of a show at National Taiwan Normal University in Taipei, from February 28 - March 5, 2009, in the NTNU Gallery. This is the Taiwan Poster Design Association's annual exhibition. The theme of the exhibition is to remind people how important Global Warming is and tell us to care about the only world we have.

Lee, Andy

Tzou Jia Hao, Brad

Kuan Leng Kit, Bruno

Lin Chih-Hung

Lin Chun-Liang, Leo

Huang Chun-Lun

Wang, David

Yeh, Gary

Tsai, Janson

Chen Jun-Liang

Fei Kuo-Ching

Lin Horng-Jer

Shih Ling-hung, Sophia

Hung Shih-Chieh

Ho, Taddy

Yao Tsun-Hsiung

Su Tsung-hsiung

Wang Tsen

Chan Wing Kei, Leslie

Yu Ming-Lung

home   previous exhibitions  page created on February 28, 2009 / this section is part of Rene Wanner's Poster Page /