WEB POSTER EXHIBITION - Chopin posters from The Art of Poster collection

This web exhibition in memory of the 200. anniversary of the birth of polish composer and pianist Frederic Chopin accompanies the current exhibition Chopin in posters 1948 - 2010 in Warsaw, Poland, with posters from the collection of The Art of Poster Gallery, who also provided the pictures below.

1949, Eryk Lipinski

1962, Henryk Tomaszewski

1965, Roslaw Szaybo

1975, Elzbieta Wejsflog

1960, Jozef Mroszczak

1965, Tadeusz Cialowicz

1988, Jacek Cwikla

1971, Eugeniusz Smolinski

1980, Eugeniusz Smolinski

1995, Roslaw Szaybo

1999, Stasys Eidrigevicius

1985, Piotr Mlodozeniec

1985, Tomasz Szulecki

1995, Tomasz Szulecki

1996, Waldemar Swierzy

1997, Waldemar Swierzy

1999, Andrzej Pagowski

2002, Andrzej Pagowski

2007, Janina Piechowicz

1999, Slawomir Iwanski

home   previous exhibitions  page created on February 27, 2010 / this section is part of Rene Wanner's Poster Page /