WEB POSTER EXHIBITION - 1. International Invitational Poster Biennial in Turkey

Exhibition poster by Savas Cekic
The 1st International Invitational Poster Biennial that is organized by the Marmara University Fine Arts Faculty between 26 October-22 December 2010 in Istanbul, opened its doors.

More than 70 designers (58 designers and 5 design collectives) participate in the MUIP Biennial from 23 countries. The biennial includes mostly social and cultural posters.

Savas Cekic, the curator of the biennial, defines the poster as "the naughty boy of the walls" and underlines the changing face of today's poster and its permanence as a political and a social fact despite the lack of its commercial and cultural dimension. Savas also provided the text and the pictures of this web exhibition.


  • USA: Chaz Maviyane-Davies, Eleanor Grosch, Luba Lukova, Mat Daly, Modern Dog Design (Michael Strassburge, Robynne Raye, Shogo Ota), Patent Pending Ind. (Jeff Kleinsmith, Jesse LeDoux), Ron Liberti, Stephan Sagmeister
  • Germany: Bongout (Anna Hellsgard, Christian Gfeller), Holger Matthies, Lex Drewinski, Uwe Loesch
  • Australia: Mark Gowing
  • Austria: Helmut Langer, Marina Langer-Rosa
  • China: Kuokwai Cheong
  • Denmark: Finn Nygaard, Gitte Kath
  • Finland: Hilppa Hyrkas, Kari Piippo, Pekka Loiri
  • Croatia: Boris Ljubicic, Vanja Cuculic
  • England: Harry Pearce
  • Iran: Alireza Mostafazadeh Ebrahimi, Amir Hossein Ghoochibeik, Aria Kasei, Farhad Fozouni, Homa Delvaray, Majid Abbasi, Masoud Nejabati, Mehdi Saeedi, Parisa Tashakori, Peyman Pourhosein, Reza Abedini, Saeed Ensafi
  • Ireland: Tony O'Hanlon
  • Switzerland: Erich Brechbuehl, Jean-Benoit Levy, Niklaus Troxler, Stephan Bundi
  • Japan: Mitsuo Katsui, Takashi Akiyama, U.G. Sato
  • Canada: Seripop (Chloe Lum, Yannick Desranleau)
  • Lithuania: Stasys Eidrigevicius
  • Hungary: Istvan Orosz, Peter Pocs, Varga Gábor Farkas
  • Mexico: Elmer Sosa, Osvaldo Gaona
  • Poland: Anita Wasik, Elzbieta Chojna
  • Portugal: Joao Machado
  • Russia: Fallindesign Studio (Alexander Faldin, Alexandra Faldina, Anastasia Faldina, Svetlana Faldina), Vladimir Chaika
  • Slovenia: Radovan Jenko
  • Taiwan: Lin Horng-Jer
  • Turkey: Bulent Erkmen, Yurdaer Altintas
  • Ukraine: Nikolay Kovalenko
  • Greece: Dimitris Arvanitis

Website: www.muipbiennial.org


2008, Mitsuo Katsui (JP), Letters and Love

2010, Anita Wasik (PL), Woman against war

2006, Anastasia Faldina & Alexander Faldin (RU), Menu of a pensioner

2005, Varga Gabor Farkas (HU), 3rd Local - Festival of Arts

2007, Gitte Kath (DK), Unplugged Design

2006, Istvan Orosz (HU), Horror Vacui

1999, Jean-Benoit Levy (CH), Visual Activity, 10 Years of freelancing

2009, Joao Machado (PT), Dia Nacional da Agua

2008, Kari Piippo (FI), Kari Piippo Workshop

2008, Luba Lukova (US), Fun in the Sun

2010, Mark Gowing (AU), Pack Ages

2009, Lex Drewinski (DE), Stop Whaling

2010, Michael Strassburger / Modern Dog Design (US), Adobe presents Modern Dog

2010, Pekka Loiri (FI), Shigeo Fukuda Hommage

2008, Stephan Sagmeister (US), Levi's Button Fly

1998, Stasys Eidrigevicius (LT), At home

2008, Takashi Akiyama (JP), Jishin - Earthquake Japan

2008, U.G. Sato (JP), Mount Fuji

2008, Uwe Loesch (DE), Requiem

2009, Vanja Cuculic (HR), Majstor & Margarita

home   previous exhibitions  page created on November 14, 2010 / this section is part of Rene Wanner's Poster Page /