WEB POSTER EXHIBITION - Travel posters for Egypt

Egypt has been a travel destination ever since Napoleon visited it in 1798, and Thomas Cook invented group travel and brought the first tourists to the country. Let's hope they will soon be back!

1894, H. Tanconville

1895, Eugene Grasset

1902, Anon

c. 1910, Mario Borgoni

c. 1910, Mario Borgoni

1911, M. Tamplough

1911, M. Tamplough

c. 1920, Anon

c. 1920, D. Hidajet

?, Anon

1924, J. Daviel

1928, Roger Breval

1930, Anon

c. 1930, H. Hashim

c. 1930, Norman Howard

1934, Daforno

1934, C. Peckham

1935, F.H. Coventry

1935, Anon

1935, Vincent Guerra

c. 1935, Luigi Martinati

1937, Ihap Hulusi

1937, Anon

c. 1938, M. Azmy

?, M. Azmy

?, M. Azmy

1947, Anon

1950, Xenia

c. 1950, A.M. Edwards

1951, Ihap Hulusi

?, Ihap Hulusi

?, Ihap Hulusi

?, Anon

?, Anon

?, Anon

?, Brian James

1951, Henri Ott

c. 1955, Anon

1957, Anon

1959, Anon

?, Shawky

?, Anon

?, Anon

?, M. Ramadan

c. 1960, Rachad Menassa

c. 1960, David Klein

c. 1960, David Klein

c. 1960, Rachad Menassa

1961, Mansour

?, Sami Rafi

?, Anon

?, Horton

?, Anon

?, Anon

?, Anon

c. 1960, Anon

c. 1960, Assem

1961, Anon

1964, Anon

1968, Anon

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