WEB POSTER EXHIBITION - Exhibition "21 years of cultural posters" in Brussels (BE)

This web exhibition accompanies a current exhibition in Brussels at Design Vlaanderen Galerie, Kanselarijstraat 19, 1000 Brussels, Belgium, March 2 - April 15, 2012. Text and pictures were kindly provided by Bie Luyssaert.

The participants are:
Johnny Bekaert, Herbert Binneweg, Paul Boudens, Geoffrey Brusatto, Koen Bruyñeel, Michael Bussaer, Rob Buytaert, Simon Casier + Petra Fieuws (Casier/Fieuws), Katrien Daemers + Jessika l'Ecluse (Gestalte), Jens Dawn, Sara De Bondt, Kris Demey (Paardekracht), Stéphane de Schrevel, Annelys de Vet, Gert Dooreman, Ronny Duquenne (Ronny & Johny), Koen Geurts (NU), Tom Hautekiet, Jan W. Hespeel + Randoald Sabbe (Jan & Randoald), Lodewijk Joye, Jo Klaps (Brussels Lof ), Stefan Loeckx (Quasi), Thomas Lommee, Jurgen Maelfeyt, Luk Mestdagh (Catapult), Ever Meulen, Jan Middendorp (Dorpdal), Tim Oeyen + Sanny Winters (oeyenenwinters), Hugo Puttaert (visionandfactory), Thomas Soete, Raf Thienpont, Inge Van Damme (ingedingen), Johan Vandebosch (ziezo), Annelies Vaneycken (Trans-ID), Pascal Van Hoorebeke, Sander Vermeulen, Paul Verrept, Saskia Wierinck (Barlock), Pieter Willems (Pjotr).

Last week, the exhibition “21 – 21 years of cultural posters” opened in the Design Flanders Gallery in Brussels, Belgium.

"21" is created because of the 21. anniversary of our magazine Kwintessens, the Flemish magazine on design and fashion.

More than 100 cultural posters, designed by Flemish graphic designers, are shown. For the occasion, 21 graphic designers made a new poster, specifically for the exhibition. The visitor can chose his favorite poster and take it home with him (for free). On this link, you get an overview of these new posters.

Since the exhibition was made for the anniversary of Kwintessens, you can find every issue of the magazine from 1992 until today. Every issue is designed by a different graphic designer and therefore gives a good overview of graphic design in Flanders.

The 1st of March, a new issue was released. The theme is Food (and) Design, the graphic designer is Pjotr (Pieter Willems).

Some of the posters from the last 21 years:

Exhibition poster by Pascal Van Hoorebeke Boudens, Paul Bekaert, Johnny Klaps, Jo

Dooreman, Gert Van Hoorebeke, Pascal Vandebosch, Johan (ziezo) Puttaert, Hugo

Boudens, Paul Bruyneel, Koen Duquenne, Ronny (Ronny & Johny) Joye, Lodewijk

Willems, Pieter (Pjotr) Demey, Kris Sabbe, Randoald Sabbe, Randoald

Boudens, Paul Maelfeyt, Jurgen Joye, Lodewijk Maelfeyt, Jurgen

Bruyneel, Koen Thienpondt, Raf Dooreman, Gert Dooreman, Gert

L'Ecluse, Jessica (Gestalte) L'Ecluse, Jessica (Gestalte) Hautekiet, Tom Wierinck, Saskia (Barlock)

Hespeel, Jan W. & Sabbe, Randoald (Jan en Randoald) Demey, Kris Vandebosch, Johan (ziezo)

Some of the posters made for the anniversary:

Boudens, Paul Brusatto, Geoffrey Bruyneel, Koen Daemers, Katrien & L’Ecluse, Jessica

De Bondt, Sara & Warde, Beatrice Duquenne, Ronny Dooreman, Gert Geurts, Koen

Hautekiet, Tom Lommee,Thomas Oeyen, Tim & Winters, Sanny Pieters, Jens

Puttaert, Hugo Vandebosch, Johan Vet, Annelys de Wierinck, Saskia (Barlock)

home   previous exhibitions  page created on March 9, 2012 / this section is part of Rene Wanner's Poster Page /