WEB POSTER EXHIBITION - Henryk Tomaszewski exhibition at Gallery Zacheta in Warsaw

Received from Filip Pagowski and Gallery Zacheta

Henryk Tomaszewski, Love, 1991

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I’ve Been Here; I Hope the Same for You. Henryk Tomaszewski

March 15 - June 10, 2014
Zacheta - National Galery of Art

Henryk Tomaszewski (1914–2005) – graphic designer, draughtsman and Professor at the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts – was one of the leading figures of Polish graphic design after the Second World War. Rejecting the heritage of the European avant-garde, with its rational approach to constructing visual messages, Tomaszewski developed a vivid, unique design formula, the origins and visual effects of which are the subject of this exhibition marking the 100th anniversary of the artist’s birthday.

This survey showcases Tomaszewski’s output as a poster designer in two major contrasting sections. The first features works from the time of the so-called Polish Poster School (from 1945 to the end of the 1950s), when the artist developed the concept of a poster based on visual shorthand and metaphor. His designs from that period are characterised by an unconstrained painterly character, humour and a poetic mood. Many of them are now considered classics of this genre.

The second section includes posters designed from the 1960s onwards – when the artist gradually shifted away from his lush, painterly style towards more simple, abstract solutions and an unmistakable style of drawing which, in time, became the key motif of his works. It was then that Tomaszewski arrived at a full definition of his language as a graphic designer.

The third and final part of the exhibition revolves around the concept of the ‘letter’ – a question of particular significance for Tomaszewski and a recurring theme in his practice. This section features selected posters based on lettering and book designs. In addition, the exhibition includes drawings, sketches and poster designs, thus shedding light on the working methods of a graphic designer before the coming of the digital age. This unique material, a large part of which comes from the artist’s archive and is presented for the first time, makes it possible to evoke the exceptional materiality of the graphic design of the past.

Wystawa prac Renato Guttuso, marzec–kwiecien' 1954

Sztuka belgijska, koniec XIX– XX w., luty–marzec 1957

Wystawa plakatu NRF, 20.11 – 4.12 1957

Wystawa malarstwa Zygmunta Waliszewskiego 1897–1936, X Festiwal Sztuk..., 1957

Najlepsze zyczenia noworoczne od Muzeum Adama Mickiewicza, Centralnego Biura..., 1958

Malarstwo Teresy Pagowskiej. XIII Festiwal Sztuk Plastycznych, Sopot, 1960

Wystawa ceramiki Heleny i Lecha Grzeskiewiczow. Wystawa tkanin Jolanty Owidzkiej, 1960

Polskie dzielo plastyczne w XV-lecie PRL. Wystawa Grafiki i Rysunku, 1961

Mostra di arte grafica polacca, Calcografia Nazionale, 1961

Aleksander Rafalowski. Wystawa malarstwa, 1961

IV Ogolnopolska Wystawa Mlodego Malarstwa, Rzezby i Grafiki. XVI Festiwal..., 1963

I Ogolnopolska Wystawa Medalierstwa, czerwiec 1963

Wystawa prac Tadeusza Kulisiewicza, marzec 1964

Franciszka Themerson. Malarstwo, rysunek, luty 1964

Wystawa ceramiki Marii Gorelowny, 23–31 maj 1964

Inni. Od Nikifora do Glowackiej, 1965

20 lat PRL w tworczosci plastycznej. Wystawa grafiki i rzezby, czerwiec 1965

Teresa Pagowska. Wystawa malarstwa, 1966

Wystawa grafiki i malarstwa Janiny Kraupe, Zacheta, Warszawa, marzec 1966

Eugeniusz Markowski. Wystawa prac malarskich, 1967

Erna Rosenstein, malarstwo, 1967

Plakat japonski, 1969

IV Ogolnopolska Wystawa Grafiki, listopad 1969

Jadwiga i Jerzy Zaremscy. Bizuteria. Wystawa w 25-lecie pracy tworczej, 1970

Halina Chrostowska. Grafika, listopad 1972

IV Miedzynarodowe Biennale Plakatu, Warszawa, 1972

Krytycy sztuki proponuja;, wrzesien' 1975

Marian Wnuk i jego wychowankowie, 1977

Mysl i ksztalt teatru. Scenografia polska, wystawa, maj 1978

14 Wystawa Okregu Warszawskiego ZPAP. Malarstwo, grafika, rzezba, 1980

Henryk Tomaszewski Graphic Works, 1984

Theatrum Andrzeja Stopki, Warszawa, Zacheta, 1985

Jozef Szajna. Plastyka, teatr, 1986

Wojciech Zamecznik 1923–1967, Galeria Zacheta, kwiecien 1988

Moore. Wystawa rzezb Henry Moore’a, 1959

Some pictures from the opening of the exhibition (fot. Marek Krzyzanek)

From left: Director of Gallery Zacheta Hanna Wroblewska, Henryk Tomaszewski's son Filip Pagowski, Curator of the exhibition and editor of the excellent catalogue Agnieszka Szewczyk

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