Le nouveau Salon des Cent - for the centenary of Toulouse - Lautrec's death
The pictures in this web exhibition are from the press kit, kindly provided by Alain Escourbiac, one of the sponsors

Bruno Monguzzi

Piotr Mlodozeniec

( The choice of colors make this poster, in my opinion, not only an hommage a Toulouse-Lautrec, but even more to Piotr's father Jan who died one year ago )
  • Le Salon des Cent was the name of a series of 43 monthly art exhibitions in Paris between 1894 and 1900, limited to 100 artists, and organized by the magazine La Plume. Each was announced with a poster, some of which became famous, for example Toulouse Lautrec's for an international poster exhibition in 1896, or Mucha's for the 20th Salon in 1897.
  • The aristocrate Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864 - 1901) suffered bone fractures as a teenager that crippled him for life. He developed an early interest in drawing and painting, and in 1891 got the commission for a poster for the Moulin Rouge, which instantly made him famous. Living and painting in a world of cabarets, bars and brothels, he died from alcohol excesses in 1901, leaving behind 31 pioneering poster works.
  • In memory of this great artist, dutch poster artist Anthon Beeke called upon 100 of today's best poster designers to show their respects to their artistic grandfather. He was supported by the french printer Michel Escourbiac, and Remy Gass from the german paper company Scheufelen.
  • The 100 posters of the Nouveau Salon des Cent are shown in exhibitions at the Centre Pompidou in Paris (2001.10.19 - 2001.12.17), the Musee Toulouse-Lautrec in Albi (FR) (2001.10.26 - 2001.11.30) and the Museum de Beyerd in Breda (NL) (2002.01.27 - 2002.03.04), and possibly in some of the 50 art schools which receive a set of the posters. The set can also be bought (3647 Euro before 2001.12.31, afterwards 5470 Euro), and a catalogue is available (45.43 Euro). Please see the web site for further details, or contact Alain Escourbiac.

Heinz Edelmann

On a scale ranging from A. Warhol and N. Bonaparte (bottom) to M. Glaser and M. Buonarotti (top), H. de Toulouse-Lautrec is placed between P. Picasso and H. Bogart.

David Tartakover

Paula Scher

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

A biography of Toulouse-Lautrec and all his posters, including the one above, are on the web site of the San Diego Museum of Art

Chaz Maviyane-Davies

Pierre Bernard

Alex Jordan

Alain Le Quernec

Here are the hundred artists of the nouveau Salon des Cent :

Anderson, Charles S. / Apeloig, Philippe / Balan, Franco / Batory, Michal / Beeke, Anthon / Bermudez, Xavier / Bernard, Pierre / Bierut, Michael / Bokser, Yuri / Bouvet, Michel / Bruna, Dick / Bucher, Mayo / Cato, Kenneth / Chaika, Vladimir / Chan Wing-Kei, Leslie / Chermayeff, Ivan / Chwast, Seymour / Curchod, Ronald / Davis, Paul / Delessert, Etienne / Dumbar, Gert / Edelmann, Heinz / Eidrigevicius, Stasys / Empel, Ruud van / Erlbruch, Wolf / Farah, Rafic Jorge / Fern, Dan / Ferrer, Isidro / Fletcher, Alan / Francois, Andre / Fukuda, Shigeo / Geisbuehler, Karl Domenik / Geismar, Tom / Geissbuhler, Steff / Gill, Bob / Glaser, Milton / Gorowski, Mieczyslaw / Grindler, Frieder / Hibino, Katsuhiko / Holland, Brad / Jeker, Werner / Jongema, Marten / Jordan, Alexander / Kai Liu / Kan Tai-keung / Kelley, Gary / Kieser, Gunter / Kisman, Max / Kuelling, Ruedi / Lacaz, Guto / Le Quernec, Alain / Levy, Jean Benoit / Loesch, Uwe / Mariscal, Javier / Marszalek, Grzegorz / Matthies, Holger / Maviyane-Davies, Chaz / McConnell, John / McMullan, James / Miller, Abbot / Mlodozeniec, Piotr / Momayez, Morteza / Monguzzi, Bruno / Neumann, Pierre / Nygaard, Finn / Oldani, Bruno / Orosz, Istvan / Ott + Stein / Peccinotti, Harry / Pfueller, Volker / Pfund, Roger / Piippo, Kari / Pirtle, Woody / Pocs, Peter / Rajlich, Jan jun. / Rambow, Gunter / Rodriguez, Gabriela / Saito, Makoto / Sato, U.G. / Savignac, Raymond / Scher, Paula / Schwab, Michael / Steiner, Henry / Stolk, Swip / Studio Boot / Swierzy, Waldemar / Tanaka, Ikko / Tartakover, David / Tissi, Rosmarie / Toorn, Jan van / Troxler, Niklaus / Tscherny, George / Vaughn, Oliver / Veistola, Jukka / Victore, James / Walkuski, Wieslaw / Wang Xu / Wasilewski, Mieczyslaw / Yahagi, Kijuro / Yokoo, Tadanori

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