Ernst Deutsch - Dryden Poster by Ernst Deutsch for a concert by the singer Josma Selim in Bruenn 1916 ( portrait and poster are from the catalogue ) |
Ernst Deutsch - Dryden
When I entered the recent catalogue of the Ernst Deutsch - Dryden exhibition in Vienna into the Poster Bibliography, I noted a discrepancy in the birthdate of the artist: Almost all publications in the bibliography give August 3, 1883, while the catalogue says August 3, 1887; in fact the odds are 44 : 2 in favor of 1883 ! Even the standard publications, like Wember (1962), Das Fruehe Plakat in Europa (1980), or Denscher (1990) agree on 1883. So I asked the curator of the exhibition, Peter Klinger, for a comment and he sent me a copy of one of several sources he has found, shown below, that should settle the question once for all:
Eugene Grasset Poster by Eugene Grasset for an exhibition at the Salon des Cent, 1894 |
Eugene Grasset
The confusion about Eugene Grasset's birthdate is notorious: 55 of my literature references believe he was born on May 5, 1845 while 56 claim May 5, 1841, some leave the choice to the reader, at least all agree on Lausanne (CH) as his birthplace.
I would welcome
on this issue, or better yet a copy of some documentation like the one above.