Jean-Charles Giroud from Geneva wrote me that swiss graphic designer Georges Calame had died in January 1999. "Notre chere Georges Calame" as he wrote affectionately.

Calame, born 1930 in Geneva, was highly regarded in Switzerland, but his posters were less well known internationally, although he travelled widely, was an art director in Pakistan and did exhibition design for the World Fair in Montreal. He rarely bothered to submit them to the big international competitions. On the other hand, his work was fifteen times in the selection for the best swiss poster of the year, sometimes even represented with two posters in the same year.

In the summer of 1998, already gravely ill, he received an award at the International Biennale of Graphic Design Brno for one of his characteristically powerful and simple designs for the furniture shop Tagliabue in Geneva, a client he had had for thirty years.

poster,  9 kb
Poster for a furniture shop
poster, 9 kb
Poster for the Swiss Biennale of Industrial Design
poster, 4 kb
Poster for a design competition on ceramic tiles

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page last revised on December 8, 1999 / this section is part of Rene Wanner's Poster Page /