Photo from Almar Seinen of Henryk Tomaszewski in front of his poster for the exhibition at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, 1991. The picture is reproduced from the Catalogue of the exhibition at the Akademia Sztuk Pieknych, Warsaw (1993). | Poster for the 50th anniversary of the Union Internationale de la Marionette, 1978 |
Henryk Tomaszewski, the most admired and most influential polish poster designer of the 20th century died
in Warsaw on September 11, 2005, in the city where he was born on June 10, 1914.
The newspaper Rzeczpospolita carried the news on 2005.09.12 01:30 : W Warszawie zmarl Henryk Tomaszewski, najslynniejszy mistrz polskiej szkoly plakatu. Mial 91 lat. Cale zycie byl zwiazany z Warszawa: tu urodzil sie, uczyl i studiowal malarstwo w Akademii Sztuk Pieknych. Na tej samej uczelni, przez 33 lata, prowadzil pracownie plakatu. Jego odejscie na emeryture w 1985 roku zapamietali w ASP wszyscy. Najwiekszemu gwiazdorowi naszej szkoly plakatu dopiero na 85. urodziny zorganizowano w Warszawie pierwsza indywidualna ekspozycje. Przedtem prezentacje dorobku Tomaszewskiego odbyly sie w Tokio, Amsterdamie i Berlinie. Zdzislaw Schubert, the distinguished curator of the poster collection at the National Museum in Poznan wrote in his preface in the catalogue of the Tomaszewski exhibition at the Umeleckoprumyslove muzeum in Prague (1994): What does the phenomenon of that artist consist of, an artist whose unruly graphic temperament and energy constantly lead him to seek new paths, new solutions and who infected his associates with his passion? It is not easy to answer that question, as Tomaszewski escapes all stereotypes of classification and analysis. And although his work was bred in the atristic tendencies of the day, his independence of thought and imagination and his independent attitude to his milieu made him break through the canons of design surrounding him. But at the same time, it has to be recognised that in spite of being such a strong individuality, he did not impose his way of thinking upon others, particularly in matters of craftsmanship. Thus, apart from a couple of attempts, one would in vain seek any imitators of his style among his pupils. |