Rene Wanner's Poster Page

Winners of the 3. China International Poster Biennial 2007 in Hangzhou

Please visit the official web site and the Call for entries for more details.

The Jury
The 3. China International Poster Biennial received 1389 Poster Works from 36 countries & regions and 562 designers or groups, from which the unknown preselection jury selected 148 entries. The International jury (Chairman Uwe Loesch (DE), Melchior Imboden (CH), Yuan Youmin (CN), Rene Wanner (CH)) met at the China Academy of Art in Hangzhou on October 24, 2007 and selected the following winners:

Prize winners

Grand Award
Designer: Ronald Curchod (FR) Title: The Ring

Cultural posters

Gold Award
Designer: Nous Travaillons Ensemble (FR) , Title: Portes Ouvertes Ginkgo

Silver Award
Designer: Anette Lenz & Vincent Perrottet (FR) , Title: Theatre d"Angouleme Saison 06/07

Silver Award
Designer: Linda Ritoh (JP) , Title: Seika Sai Milano (Series, 2 Posters)

Bronze Award
Designer: 2xGoldstein (DE) , Title: Sinn Bildungen

Bronze Award
Designer: 2xGoldstein (DE) , Title: Adam Seide Literaturtag

Public Campaign Poster

Gold Award
Designer: Claude Kuhn (CH) , Title: 175 Jahre Naturhistorisches Museum Bern

Silver Award
Designer: Vincent Perrottet (FR) , Title: Je n'aime plus les villes

Silver Award
Designer: Yu Xuan (CN) , Title: Transmutation

Bronze Award
Designer: Hiroyuki Matsuishi (JP) , Title: Coexistent

Bronze Award
Designer: Toshiyasu Nanbu (JP) , Title: Peace or War

Jury Awards

- from Uwe Loesch: Martin Woodtli (CH), for "Trick Raum"
- from Melchior Imboden: Anette Lenz & Vincent Perrottet & Selina Koenig (FR), for "Nouveaux Relax Theatre de Chaumont" (Series, 3 Posters)
- from Yuan Youmin: Bruno Monguzzi (CH), for "Chiasso Cultura"
- from Rene Wanner: Henning Wagenbreth (DE), for "Kommander Kobayashi"

Selected participants
see the News from August 16, 2007.

Here are the winning posters:

Ronald Curchod

Nous travaillons ensemble

Anette Lenz & Vincent Perrottet

Linda Ritoh



Claude Kuhn

Yu Xuan

Hiroyuki Matsuishi

Vincent Perrottet

Toshiyasu Nanbu

Martin Woodtli

Henning Wagenbreth

Anette Lenz & Vincent Perrottet & Selina Koenig

Bruno Monguzzi

home   winners   page created on October 30, 2007 / this section is part of Rene Wanner's Poster Page /