Rene Wanner's Poster Page

Winners of the International Poster Triennial in Lahti (FI) 2014

Please see the original web site or the Call for entries for more information.

The digital registration to the Poster Triennial ended on 30 November, 2013. Approximately 2400 posters by more than 1500 designers from all over the world were offered for the exhibition. A national pre-jury selected 327 posters from 38 countries to be displayed in the exhibition. See a list of all selected works, or a Pinterest pinwall with pictures of some of them.

The members the International Jury awarding the prizes are Ulla Aartomaa (Finland), Jianping He (Germany / China), Radovan Jenko (Slovenia), Anette Lenz (France/Germany) and Shin Matsunaga (Japan). They awarded the following prizes:

  • Grand Prix
    Phillip Tretyakov (Russia), "Mayakovky's Day" (G. Gubanova), 2013

  • Grafia Tapani Aartomaa - Prix
    Erich Brechbuehl (Switzerland), "The Matterhorn Is Beautiful" (B. Sterchi), 2013

  • Lahti Prix
    Philippe Apeloig (France), "Sounds of the World" / Literature Festival in Aix-en-Provence, 2013

  • Environmental Posters, Lauri Tarasti Prize
    Agnieszka Dajczak (Poland), (Bird), 2013

  • Certificate of Honour:
    Paula Troxler (Switzerland), Moby Dick (H. Melville), 2012
    Mark Bohle (Germany), Lecture by Alex Jordan, 2013
    Chiii Design (China), 27th Macao International Music Festival, 2011
    Bob Lee / Todot Design (China), Don't Be Afraid, Just Believe, 2013
    Kari Piippo (Finland), Paris, 2014
    Alain Le Quernec (France), The Station Where I Told You "I love you", 2013
    Yoshiro Kato (Japan), Catch It, 2011

Here are the winning posters:

Phillip Tretyakov

Erich Brechbuehl

Philippe Apeloig

Agnieszka Dajczak

Paula Troxler

Mark Bohle

Chiii Design

Bob Lee / Todot Design

Kari Piippo

Alain Le Quernec

Yoshiro Kato

home    more winners  page created on June 17, 2014 / this section is part of Rene Wanner's Poster Page /