WEB POSTER EXHIBITION - Jianping He, a chinese graphic designer in Berlin

Chinese Fashion - Chinese Culture
Poster for the 1999 Ningbo & Culture poster exhibition China
With great pleasure, I have just learned that one of my favorite posters from the competition for the 100 best german posters 1999 has earned it's creator, Jianping He from Berlin, an award at the the Lahti Poster Biennale 2001, after being shown in Warsaw, Trnava and Mexico last year.

I am happy to show you some more recent posters from this promising young man:

Posters for Eurasia Language Institute, 1999 Poster for the yearly sailing festival in Kiel (D). Compare it to the posters from other designers for the event. Poster for the 70th anniversary of the China Academy of Art

A series of posters for the Day of human rights, Sept. 5, 2000, London, International congress against torture and expulsion

Jianping He, born 1973 in Zhejiang, China, was trained as graphic designer in Wuxi and at the China Academy of Fine Arts in Hangzhou. Since 1997 he is in Heinz-Juergen Kristahn's master class at the Hochschule der Kuenste in Berlin.

In December 2000, He received the german DAAD award given to foreign students for outstanding artistic achievement and social engagement.

Web page: www.hesign.com

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