Rene Wanner's Poster Page

Winners of The 2. China International Poster Biennial CIPB2005 in Hangzhou

Please visit the official web site and the Call for entries for more details.

The Jury
The second China International Poster Biennial received 2070 pieces of works by 520 designers from 40 countries, from which the preselection jury (Kan Tai-Keung, Han Xu, Song Xiewei, Wang Xueqing, Lin jiayang) selected 142 entries. The International Jury (Kan Tai - Keung (China / Hongkong), Pierre Bernard (France), Mieczyslaw Wasilewski (Poland), Wang Xu (China)) met at the China Academy of Art in Hangzhou in October 2005 and selected the following winners:

Prize winners

Cultural posters

  • Gold Medal: Sevan Demirdjian (FR), for "13th Dance Bienniale in Val de Marne"
  • Silver Medal: Leonardo Sonnoli (IT), for "From left to right and back"
  • Bronze Medal: Reza Abedini (IR); for "Victim"

Public campaign posters

  • Gold Medal: not awarded
  • Silver Medal: Cai Shiwei (CN), for "North Lattitude 32.0; East Longitude 118.7" (Series)
  • Bronze Medal: Zhen Zhaohui (CN); for "Life Code"

Commercial posters

  • Gold Medal: not awarded
  • Silver Medal: Zhu Yong (CN), for "London Fashion Week"
  • Bronze Medal: Lee Ken-Tsai (TW); for "E & E Paper"

Jury Awards

  • from Kan Tai-Keung: Shin Matsunaga (JP), for "JAGDA Member poster exhibition 2003" (series)
  • from Mieczyslaw Wasilewski: Majid Abbasi (IR), for "Bam, the everlasting heritage"
  • from Pierre Bernard: Zhu Haichen (CN), for "Graphic design show by deaf-mute students"
  • from Wang Xu: Andrei Logvin (RU), for "Stefan Sagmeister in Moscow"

A Grand Prix was awarded, but is now under consideration, "to verify the authenticity of the design idea", according to a message from Chen Zhengda, member of the CIPB Committee.

Selected participants
see the News from July 23, 2005.

Here are the winning posters:

Andrei Logvin

Cai Shiwei

Cai Shiwei

Lee Ken-Tsai

Lee Ken-Tsai

Majid Abbasi

Shin Matsunaga

Shin Matsunaga

Shin Matsunaga

Shin Matsunaga

Reza Abedini

Sevan Demirdjian

Zhen Zhaohui

Zhu Yong

Leonardo Sonnoli
(see the News for a better reproduction)

Zhu Haichen

Some pictures from the Biennial:

China Acadamy of Art in Hangzhou, host of the Biennial

The exhibition hall, with the biennial poster by Zhao Yan

A preview of some jury posters in the entry hall

The jury exhibitions

Kan Tai-Keung

Pierre Bernard

Mieczyslaw Wasilewski

From the main exhibition

The student exhibition

home   winners   page created on November 16, 2005 / this section is part of Rene Wanner's Poster Page /