WEB POSTER EXHIBITION - Die 100 besten Plakate des Jahres 1999

The "100 best posters of the year" refers to a selection of german posters from the previous year that are submitted by their designers. The competition is organized by the VGD, the Verband der Grafik-Designer e.V., and has a 34 year long tradition, going back to a time when the two Germanies were still separated. It is open to professionals and students alike.

Some observations:
  • This year the jury, or poster design in Germany, has taken a step in a new direction. Pale colors, small formats, ambiguous content, unknown designers and clients, would describe my impressions when walking through the exhibition. In fact, being rich and famous seemed to be rather a handicap for winning a prize.

  • The social net among the participants is knit loosely, especially between young and old. When asking for subjects to which I could point my camera, I often heard "There is Gunter Rambow, but I don't know all these young people".

  • Many young graphic designers told me that life is very hard for them, and they are glad for the publicity they can get out of this competition. They keep the juries in their mind as much as their client or the public when designing posters, and so the posters in the streets look quite different from those in the exhibitions.

  • Look at the extremes in technique that some designers went to: Cornelia Hofmann painted her poster with a bacterial solution on agar, waited a few days until the organisms had grown and took a picture. Fuesti:Kuehn packed a saxophone into a bag and had it x-rayed at the airport baggage control, and Christian Dworak's poster is made of detachable stickers.
Anyway, I enjoyed the show, especially the Wagenbreths, the people and Berlin as much as I did last year. Buy the catalogue !

Whom I met
Gunter Rambow Gesine Grotrian Klaus Staeck Gertrud Nolte Volker Pfueller Cornelia Hofmann

What the jury  liked
Gertrud Nolte Fons M. Hickmann, Ulrike Kleine-Ebeling Christian Dworak Publicis Werbeagentur

What I liked
Henning Wagenbreth Volker Pfueller Jianping He Juergen Betker Gudrun Muschalla

Intro Winners Jury My choice Wagenbreth Posters People Street Villeglé

home   page last revised on October 8, 2000 / this section is part of Rene Wanner's Poster Page